Garden Maintenance

Our Garden Maintenance services allow you to enjoy the light tending and harvesting in your garden without feeling overwhelmed.

Our Promise


Strong Communication

We communicate regularly with clients so they can customize visits and ask questions. At the end of each maintenance session, we’ll send you a comprehensive report of what we did, along with any recommendations to keep your garden bountiful.

All Organic Practices

Our golden rule: We don’t use anything in our gardens that a two-year-old couldn’t accidentally swallow safely. By keeping our gardens chemical and toxin-free, we’re building a better planet and keeping you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

A Warm Welcome

We always welcome you to join us for maintenance sessions so you can learn, grow, and ask questions beside us while we maintain your garden. Feel free to pop in for part of the session or for the whole thing- we love watching you grow your green thumb!


Customize Your Garden Maintenance


Garden Glow-Up

Does your garden need a complete make-over? Let’s give your garden the glow-up it deserves:

✓ Renovate & Add Soil

✓ Plant all seedlings & seeds

✓ Install Critter-proof fencing

✓ Install automatic drip irrigation

✓ Renovate Pathways

✓ Reclaim Space

✓Control Weeds

✓ Install Trellising

✓ Rebuild & repair beds

✓ Customize visit options


Specialty One-Time Services

Whether your garden got out of hand or you just want a little extra help one month, we’re here for all your gardening needs:

✓ Spring Bed Prep & Planting

✓ Garlic & multi-seasonal plantings

✓ End of season clean-up

✓ Extending your season and winterizing your garden

✓ Summer planting

✓ Themed plantings, like for tea gardens, medicinal herb gardens, salsa gardens, and more

✓ Customize visit options


Quarterly Maintenance

Nearly all of our clients enjoy a minimum of quarterly maintenance, which includes:

✓ Full harvest of garden for you to use

✓ Seasonal plantings of new seeds & plants

✓ Monitor watering

✓ Organic soil amendments

✓Pulling weeds

✓ Pruning & training vines

✓ Removing dead & diseased plant material

✓ Follow-up with full report of maintenance session and any suggestions, tips, and tricks to help your garden thrive


Monthly or Bi-Weekly Tending

We recommend monthly or bi-weekly tending for clients who want to enjoy their harvests without frequently maintaining the garden, or who have growing areas spanning over 200 square feet.

✓ Full harvest of garden for you to use

✓ Seasonal plantings of new seeds & plants

✓ Monitor watering

✓ Organic soil amendments

✓Pulling weeds

✓ Pruning & training vines

✓ Removing dead & diseased plant material

✓ Follow-up with full report of maintenance session and any suggestions, tips, and tricks to help your garden thrive


Seed-to-Harvest Plans for DIY Plantings

Designing and planting a garden is no small task! Our Seed-To-Harvest Planting Plans take all the guesswork out of your seeding & maintenance schedules by drawing on our wealth of knowledge and years of experience and are tailored specifically to your growing space and tastes.

Each Seed-to-Harvest Planting is fully customized to your garden, and includes:

✓An overhead map of your garden beds

✓Quantities of each fruit & vegetable to be planted

✓Recommended seeding & planting dates

✓Appropriate spacing of seedlings and plants

✓Special care instructions for plants

✓Expected harvest dates

Clients often add-on a Garden Coaching session to these plans to help them ensure success in their organic garden!