Garden Tips & Tricks Katie Carey Garden Tips & Tricks Katie Carey

3 Reasons to Plant a Fall Garden

The worst gardening myth is that growing food stops when summer does. It's just not true.

The worst gardening myth is that growing food stops when summer does.

It's just not true.

Fall is the best season for gardening. The weather cools down, there’s a crisp smell in the air… what’s not to love?

Here’s our top 3 reasons to plant a fall garden:


1. Care & Keeping is Easier than the Summer

July gardening can sometimes feel like a rush- you’re busy checking for pests, keeping everything watered, and trying to figure out what to do with all these tomatoes. Fall slows down, in the best way. The cooler weather brings a slow, easy gardening flow, and cool-weather crops like dark leafy greens and root veggies thrive in the temperate weather.

2. Grow into the Winter

Planting for a fall garden means you can use season extension techniques like row cover or cold frames to grow well into the winter. We love the abundance of summer crops, but there’s something special about harvesting kale and carrots on New Years Eve!

3. Colder = Sweeter

Yep. When temperatures plummet, the sugars in cool-weather crops crystalize and make veggies even sweeter (it’s science!). This makes for tastier beets, herbs, lettuces, and more. You can learn more about what to plant in the fall months in with our Columbus Foodscapes Planting Calendar.

If you’re ready to plan & plant your fall garden, book your New Garden Consultation or Existing Garden Evaluation today to get started.

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