Preparing Your Raised Beds for a New Season: Step-by-step

Summer is coming to a close, you have your fall seed-to-harvest plans ready to rock and roll….. now what?

If you’re looking at your raised beds feeling overwhelmed with where to start, you’re not alone. We typically remove summer crops and put in fall crops in September.

Here’s our step-by-step guide for preparing your raised beds for a new season:

1. Remove all dead & diseased crops, or stuff that won’t survive the upcoming season

A new season is a chance to give your garden a fresh start. Start off by removing all dead & diseased plants and weeds. Next, take a look at the crops: will they survive the upcoming cool-season? Most summer crops, like tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers, won’t. When you’re ready to plant for the fall, it can be hard to take these plants out, especially if they look healthy. But just think of all the delicious fall crops you’ll get to harvest!

2. Amend Your Soil

Add 1-3 inches of compost over the entire garden (you can use this compost calculator to see how many bags you’ll need), use a pitchfork or garden trowel to mix it into the first 3 inches of topsoil or so. Adding compost will add much-needed nutrients to your soil and give your plants a boost in the coming season.

3. Plant!

Grab those seedlings, seeds, and your planting plans and get to work! It’s always a good idea to transplant your seedlings on an overcast day with mild-temperatures and to give your soil a soak before planting to reduce the risk of transplant-shock.


Ready to plant your garden for the fall? We’re here to help! Get started with one of our garden maintenance packages.


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