Garden Projects: The Short North Twin Garden



Our client came to us in September to troubleshoot a potted garden on her patio, struggling with pests, pollination, and maintenance. She wanted a gardening space that would feel as warm and inviting as her beautifully-curated home and wanted to grow a bounty of organic produce (especially lettuces!) since she enjoys cooking fresh, garden-inspired meals.

We designed a garden that featured two wide-trimmed, identical cedar raised beds on legs for an elevated look on this gorgeous patio. The design maximizes the space, allowing her to grow as much food as possible, while still offering symmetry and functionality. In the spring , a large arch trellis will be added between the beds for vining crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peas.

Just after installing the garden, we worked alongside her to plan radishes, kale, parsley, kohlrabi, cabbage, a tender lettuce mix, arugula, and an array of edible flowers to garnish salads.

We can’t wait to see all of the amazing meals she creates with her new bounty of fresh, organic produce!


Planting Garlic


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